›› 2012, Vol. 32 ›› Issue (2): 163-167.DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1006-1355-2011.04.040

• 9.振动噪声测试技术 • Previous Articles     Next Articles

Measurement and Analysis of Transfer Performance of Noise and Vibration for Civil Aircraft with Tail Mounting Engine Based on LMS Test. Lab

HAN Feng,WANG Chun-mei,HU Xi-zhi   

  1. ( Shanghai Aircraft Design and Research Institute of COMAC, Shanghai 200232, China )
  • Received:2011-07-29 Revised:2011-11-03 Online:2012-04-18 Published:2012-04-18
  • Contact: HAN Feng

基于LMS Test. Lab的发动机尾吊客机的噪声与 振动传递特性测量

韩 峰王春梅,扈西枝   

  1. ( 上海飞机设计研究院, 上海 200232 )
  • 通讯作者: 韩 峰

Abstract: Internal noise control of the cabin of commercial aircrafts is an important issue in aircraft design. Analysis of transfer performance of noise and vibration of the full aircraft is the key technology. In this article, a method of measurement and analysis of transfer performance of noise and vibration for civil aircrafts based on the reciprocity principle was introduced. The LMS Test. Lab, the low-volume sound source, sound pressure and acceleration sensors were used to acquire the frequency response function, amplitude and phase transfer functions and the coherence function. The performances of noise and vibration transfer among the pylon, fuselage structure, interior trim and cabin cavity were analyzed. The feasibility of engineering application of this method for civil aircrafts was verified.

Key words: vibration and wave, vibro-acoustic, engine tail mounting, commercial aircraft, transfer function

摘要: 大型客机的舱内噪声治理与控制是飞机设计一大难题。分析飞机各主要声源的传播机理,获得全尺寸噪声与振动传递特性是其中的关键技术之一。介绍基于互易性原理的大型客机噪声与振动传递特性测量与分析方法,利用LMS Test. Lab、低体积声源及声压与加速度传感器,获得测试样机的噪声与振动频响函数(FRF)、幅值与相位传递函数及相干函数,分析发动机尾吊客机吊挂、机身结构、舱内设施与舱内空腔间的噪声与振动传递特性,验证了该方法在大型客机工程应用可行性。

关键词: 振动与波, 发动机尾吊, 大型客机, 传递函数