›› 2011, Vol. 31 ›› Issue (6): 123-126.DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1006-1355-2011.06.027

• 3.运载工具振动与噪声 • Previous Articles     Next Articles

Optimal Design of Automobile’s Vibration Absorber

LI Yong,GU Yan,JIN Chun-mei   

  1. ( SAIC Motor Technical Center, Shanghai 201804, China )
  • Received:2011-07-10 Revised:2011-09-13 Online:2011-12-18 Published:2011-12-18
  • Contact: LI Yong,


李 勇顾 彦靳春梅   

  1. ( 上海汽车集团股份有限公司 技术中心, 上海 201804 )
  • 通讯作者: 李 勇

Abstract: The purpose of this work is to formulate the analytical solution for the mathematical models of single and double vibration absorbers, and to establish the design procedure for developing the absorbers. Based on the mathematical models, the computer programs for tuning absorber mass, stiffness and damping are written. Finally, the absorber is made and applied to a vehicle. The test result shows that the structure-borne noise can be reduced obviously. The optimal design of the absorber’s parameters can be done very fast with this analytical solution, thereby large amount of computer time and engineer’s effort can be saved.

Key words: vibration and wave, vibration absorber, modal mass, absorber design

摘要: 研究主要目的有二:其一,推导单动力吸振器和双动力吸振器解析解,建立吸振器数学模型;其二,建立动力吸振器设计方法,作为动力吸振器参数设计选用之依据。另一方面,根据吸振器数学模型,编写吸振器设计工具,并对吸振器质量、刚度和阻尼参数进行优化设计。最后,根据设计结果,试做汽车半轴合适之吸振器,并以实车进行测试。测试结果显示,安装试制吸振器后,实车振动噪声皆有显著改善。实用表明,利用吸振器解析解可快速对吸振器参数进行优化设计,避免传统吸振器数值仿真之繁复工作。

关键词: 振动与波, 吸振器, 模态质量, 吸振设计

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