›› 2011, Vol. 31 ›› Issue (1): 1-8.

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  1. ( 国防科技大学 机电工程与自动化学院, 长沙 410073 )
  • 收稿日期:2010-04-19 修回日期:2010-06-02 出版日期:2011-02-18 发布日期:2011-02-18
  • 通讯作者: 王建伟

Review of control techniques on vibration and acoustic environment loads of spacecraft during the launch stage

Wang Jian-Wei,Gang Wang,Ji-hong Wen,Dian-long Yu,Xi-sen Wen   

  1. ( Institute of Mechatronical Engineering and Automation, National University of Defense Technology, Changsha 410073, China )
  • Received:2010-04-19 Revised:2010-06-02 Online:2011-02-18 Published:2011-02-18
  • Contact: Wang Jian-Wei

摘要: 航天器在发射阶段承受各种恶劣而复杂的声振环境载荷,严重影响着航天器的可靠性。目前,关于改善发射阶段航天器所承受的力学环境、切断振动噪声传播路径的相关研究已得到世界各国航天技术研究机构的重视。其中,各种声振环境载荷以透射声或结构声辐射的形式传递到整流罩内部后,将会在整流罩内形成恶劣声学环境——高声压级的噪声环境。本文主要对整流罩内噪声的主、被动控制技术的国外研究进展进行系统地综述和分析,以期对我国相关领域的技术研究及应用有所启示。

关键词: 航天器, 运载火箭, 整流罩, 声振环境载荷, 噪声控制

Abstract: Spacecraft will suffer the complex and severe dynamic environment loads during its launching stage. These environment loads are mostly composed of acoustic excitation due to very high sound pressure level in the payload fairing and structural excitation due to vibrations and shock transmitted through the payload attach fitting. The very high sound pressure level in the payload fairing is caused by the transmitted sound and structural acoustic radiation. In the last decade, various control techniques of dynamic environment loads has received a great deal of attention. The improving of the dynamic environment would allow more sensitive equipment to be included in missions, and reduce the risk of equipment or component failure as well as spacecraft structural weight and cost. In this paper, the status and development of active and passive noise control techniques of payload fairing is mostly summarized.

Key words: Spacecraft, Launch vehicle, payload fairing, vibration and acoustic environment loads, Noise control