›› 2017, Vol. 37 ›› Issue (3): 101-106.DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1006-1355.2017.03.020

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Research on the S&R Evaluation Method of Automobile Seats Based on the BSR Tests


  • Received:2017-01-13 Revised:2017-02-21 Online:2017-06-18 Published:2017-06-18



  1. ( 1. 西南交通大学  机械工程学院,  成都  600031;
    2. 中国汽车技术研究中心  汽车工程研究院,  天津  300300 )
  • 通讯作者: 申超


In order to determine whether the specific parts has BSR phenomenons, Squeak and Rattle shaker system are employed for the subjective evaluation of BSR tests. Subjective evaluation relies heavily on experienced engineer and is less coherent. Based on the detailed description of seat S&R test method , the method of evaluating the seat noise is discussed. Through the analysis of the subjective evaluation results and the acoustic parameters data, the objective acoustic parameters which can reflect the subjective evaluation results are summarized. The method is close to the engineering practice and can identify the BSR problem.



关键词: 声学, NVH, 评价方法, 载荷谱, 座椅异响, 心理声学

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