›› 2009, Vol. 29 ›› Issue (5): 170-175.

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《Investigation of Evaluation Descriptors of Auditory Attribute of Underwater Noise in Chinese Environment》

WANG Na,CHEN Ke-an,HUANG Huang   

  1. (Department of Environmental Engineering, College of Marine, Northwestern Polytechnical University, Xian710072, China)
  • Received:2009-03-26 Revised:1900-01-01 Online:2009-10-18 Published:2009-10-18
  • Contact: WANG Na



  1. (西北工业大学航海学院环境工程系,西安710072)
  • 通讯作者: 王娜

Abstract: Suitable evaluation descriptors are very important for reasonable subjective evaluation of auditory attribute of underwater noise. In this paper, firstly, a large number of Chinese descriptors is gained by questionnaire surveys and using onhand soundqualityevaluation descriptors. And then, according to three elements of auditory attribute, loudness, tone and acoustic quality, 97 descriptors are selected for evaluating the auditory attribute of the noises. Secondly, in order to avoid the subjectivity, the selected descriptors are divided into 10 categories by using Paired Comparison approach and Cluster Analysis method. Finally, through questionnaire survey and replaying the selected descriptors, some commonly used descriptors are chosen from these categories as the evaluation descriptors of auditory attribute of underwater noise due to the highest selection probability.

Key words: acoustics, auditory attribute, subjective evaluation, Paired Comparison, Cluster Analysis

摘要: 在水下噪声听觉属性的研究中,适当、全面的评价用语是获得准确的声音主观评价实验结论的关键。在汉语语境下进行了水下噪声听觉属性评价用语的调查研究。首先根据已有的声品质评价词和问卷调查结果获得大量噪声描述词,通过声音在听觉感受上的三要素——响度、音调和音色,确定其中97个词适用于评价噪声的听觉属性。然后采用成对比较实验和聚类分析手段,依据人对词的理解差异将词汇分成10类,避免了研究者个体分类词汇的不确定性。最后为确定少量的、语义不重叠的、具有代表性的水下噪声听觉属性评价用语,通过水下噪声重放,进行选词问卷调查,从中确定水下噪声听觉属性的评价术语。

关键词: 声学, 听觉属性, 主观评价, 成对比较, 聚类分析

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