›› 2012, Vol. 32 ›› Issue (5): 11-15.DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1006-1335.2012.05.003

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Reviews of Vehicle Noise Source Identification Methods

HU  Yi-xian ,  LI  Shun-ming ,  ZHANG  Yuan-yuan ,  MENG  Hao-dong   

  1. ( College of  Energy and  Power Engineering,  Nanjing University of  Aeronautics and Astronautics,  Nanjing  210016,  China )
  • Received:2011-11-23 Revised:2012-01-21 Online:2012-10-18 Published:2012-10-15



  1. (  南京航空航天大学  能源与动力学院,  南京  210016  )
  • 通讯作者: 胡伊贤

Abstract: In the vehicle industry, noise issues have become more evident. Vehicle noise source identification is an important prerequisite for noise control. In recent years, new methods of vehicle noise source identification have been developed, but it is necessary still for them to improve and optimize. The different methods for identifying noise sources are reviewed in this paper. All methods are divided into three categories, i. e. the traditional analysis method, the method based on signal processing, and method based on acoustic array technology. The features of various identification method are described and compared. Finally, some prospects of noise source identification method are given.

Key words: acoustics , vehicle, noise control , review , noise source identification method

摘要: 在车辆产业中,噪声问题越来越突出,噪声源识别方法是车辆噪声控制的重要前提。近年来,车辆噪声源识别的方法得到快速发展,但仍需不断改进和完善。本文对车辆噪声源识别方法进行总结,将车辆噪声源识别方法分为传统方法、基于信号处理方法和基于声阵列技术方法三类,并描述和分析各种识别方法的特点。最后总结全文,展望未来车辆噪声源识别方法。

关键词:  , 声学; 车辆; 噪声控制; 综述; 噪声源识别方法

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