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《Investigation of Evaluation Descriptors of Auditory Attribute of Underwater Noise in Chinese Environment》
   2009, 29 (5): 170-175.  
Abstract2349)      PDF(pc) (2346KB)(1699)       Save
Suitable evaluation descriptors are very important for reasonable subjective evaluation of auditory attribute of underwater noise. In this paper, firstly, a large number of Chinese descriptors is gained by questionnaire surveys and using onhand soundqualityevaluation descriptors. And then, according to three elements of auditory attribute, loudness, tone and acoustic quality, 97 descriptors are selected for evaluating the auditory attribute of the noises. Secondly, in order to avoid the subjectivity, the selected descriptors are divided into 10 categories by using Paired Comparison approach and Cluster Analysis method. Finally, through questionnaire survey and replaying the selected descriptors, some commonly used descriptors are chosen from these categories as the evaluation descriptors of auditory attribute of underwater noise due to the highest selection probability.
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