›› 2014, Vol. 34 ›› Issue (3): 52-56.DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1006-1335.2014.03.011

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Modal Parameter Identification of Structures Based on Hilbert Transform


  • Received:2013-08-05 Revised:2013-09-27 Online:2014-06-18 Published:2014-06-18



  1. ( 南京航空航天大学  机械结构力学及控制国家重点实验室,  南京  210016 )
  • 通讯作者: 范兴超


The HHT method is applied to the modal parameter identification of GARTEUR plane model.The multiple bandpass filter was applied to process the signal for solving the problem of modal aliasing, Meanwhile the NExT method was adopted in order to get more accurate individual order intrinsic mode function (IMF) form the EMD decomposition.The mirror continuation method was applied to process extreme value points for sloving the problem of the endpoint effect.Then each order natural frequency and damping ratio was identified with Hilbert transform and ITD method.The numerical simulation of cantileverbeam was carried out and the simulated results was compared with the the theoretical results,and to further recognize the natural modal parameters of the GARTEUR plane model.



关键词: 振动与波, 模态参数识别, Hilbert-Huang变换, 模态阻尼比, 镜像延拓

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