›› 2009, Vol. 29 ›› Issue (5): 93-95.

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《SelfAdapting Active Control of Exhausting Noise of Marine’s Diesel Engines and Its Experimental Study》

DENG Jun1,SUN Zhao-Jun2,WANG Bin1, WANG Jing1   

  1. (1. Zhenjiang Academy of Watercraft, Department of Watercraft Engineering, Zhenjiang Jiangsu212003, China;2. Naval University of Engineering, Researching Department, Wuhan430033, China)
  • Received:2009-01-05 Revised:1900-01-01 Online:2009-10-18 Published:2009-10-18
  • Contact: DENG Jun



  1. (1. 镇江船艇学院船艇工程系,江苏镇江212003; 2. 海军工程大学科研部,武汉430033)
  • 通讯作者: 邓军


Exhaust noise of marines diesel engines is strongly related to rotating speed. Thus, the active noise control can be realized by composing secondary sound sources with the rotating speed signals as the base frequencies. But the difficulty lies on the determination of the weights of different sound sources. An arithmetic based on calculating the best errorweights is presented to overcome the difficulty. The results indicate that the method can effectively control exhausting noise and trace the change of diesel engines rotating speed. It adapts to the working conditions of marine propelling engines, whose rotating speeds are changing frequently.

Key words: acoustics, marines diesel engine, exhausting noise, active control, selfadapting



关键词: 声学, 船艇柴油机, 排气噪声, 主动控制, 自适应

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