›› 2017, Vol. 37 ›› Issue (2): 192-196.DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1006-1355.2017.02.039

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Comparison and Analysis of Vibration Prediction Models in Environmental Impact Assessment of Urban Rail Transit


  • Received:2016-11-04 Revised:2016-11-26 Online:2017-04-18 Published:2017-04-18



  1. ( 中国铁道科学研究院,北京  100081 )
  • 通讯作者: 曹宇静


Urban rail transit has developed rapidly in recent years, underground lines occupied a considerable proportion of all the lines, accounts for about 70% of the total line length. The main environmental impact of the underground line is environmental vibration, therefore, predict the environmental vibration impact of the running train is the key of underground line environmental impact assessment. This paper systematically compare and analyze the vibration prediction model in the state environmental protection standard—“Technical Guidelines for Environment Impact Assessment of Urban Rail Transit”(HJ453-2008) and the local environmental protection standard of Beijing—“Code for application technique of metro noise and vibration control”(DB11/T 838-2011). Combined with the subway vibration impact in the process of actual operation, analyze the respective advantages and disadvantages of this two vibration prediction model, and putting forward the corresponding opinions and suggestions for the revision work of national standard and Beijing local standard in the future.


近年来,城市轨道交通发展迅速,在已经开通运营的线路中,地下线比重相当大,约占总线路长度的70%。地下线在运营过程中产生的环境影响主要 为环境振动。因此,预测列车运营过程中产生的环境振动影响是地下线环境影评价的关键。通过系统地对比分析国家环境保护标准(《环境影响评价技术导则 城市轨道交通》(HJ453-2008))和北京市地方标准(《地铁噪声与振动控制规范》(DB11/T 838-2011))中推荐的环境振动预测模型,结合地铁实际运营过程中产生的环境振动影响,分析这两种振动预测模型各自的优点和不足之处,为下一阶段国标和北京市地标的修订工作提出针对性的意见和建议。

关键词: 环境振动, 城市轨道交通, 地下线, 环境影响评价, 振动预测模型

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