›› 2013, Vol. 33 ›› Issue (1): 37-39.DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1006-1335.2013.01.008

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Introduction of Global Software for Prediction of Acoustic Signals on Ships


  • Received:2012-03-15 Revised:2012-04-16 Online:2013-02-18 Published:2013-02-18



  1. ( 中国舰船研究设计中心 舰船情报研究室,武汉 430064 )
  • 通讯作者: 伏捷

Abstract: Several renowned software and methods in the world for prediction of acoustic signature from ships are presented in this article: evaluation software of radiated noise—NDES, evaluation software of target strength—ARTES, integrated radiated noise and self-noise modeling software—FNVNOISE. Prediction of the acoustic signature by above methods have been presented on the basis of theoretical calculation as practical as possible and dedicated database helping designers for essential calculations has been developed for excessively complicated issues. The database and calculation algorithm will be constantly improved and updated through addition and verification of new data in order to provide solutions to problems during future design work.

摘要: 舰船声特征信号的预测和评价是当前国内外的前沿课题,也是迫切需要发展的研究领域。迄今推广运用了国外的三种软件:辐射噪声估算软件——NDES、声目标强度估算软件——ARTES、综合辐射噪声与自噪声建模软件——FNVNOISE。以上方法将声特征信号预测建立在理论计算基础上,对于复杂问题均建立了各种专门用来帮助设计人员进行重要计算的数据库。研究人员可通过不断增加和核对新的数据,使数据库和计算方法得到不断改进和完善,从而为将来在解决设计中遇到的问题提供更有效的支持。

关键词: 声学, 舰船, 声特征信号, 预测软件, 噪声

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