›› 2018, Vol. 38 ›› Issue (4): 111-115.DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1006-1355.2018.04.022

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Influence of Temperature Varying Characteristic of Axle-box Tumbler Rubber Nodes on Vehicle’s Dynamics Performance

LI Mi   

  • Received:2017-12-18 Revised:2018-01-08 Online:2018-08-18 Published:2018-08-18
  • Contact: LI Mi



  1. ( 1. 西南交通大学牵引动力国家重点实验室,成都610031;2. 中车青岛四方机车车辆股份有限公司技术中心, 山东青岛266111 )
  • 通讯作者: 李密


In order to study the influence of temperature characteristic of axle-box tumbler rubber node on vehicles dynamics performance, a series of test and dynamics simulation are accomplished. The experimental results show that the dynamic damping and dynamic stiffness of rubber node decrease with the increase of ambient temperature. Changes in the stiffness and damping of a rubber node will result in changes in the dynamic performance of the rail vehicle system. The simulation results show that the critical speed of the snake rises first and then decreases with the change of ambient temperature. Other dynamic properties, such as stability and safety index, change relatively complicated with the temperature rising.



关键词: 振动与波, 橡胶节点, 温变特性, 动态刚度, 临界速度, 车辆动力学性能

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