›› 2014, Vol. 34 ›› Issue (1): 104-108.DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1006-1335.2014.01.024

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Comparison and Analysis of Vehicle’s Speed Selection Methods in Noise Prediction Models


  • Received:2013-01-22 Revised:2013-04-22 Online:2014-02-18 Published:2014-02-18


梁常德1张军波1王大岩1何晋勇 2   

  1. ( 1. 深圳市人居环境技术审查中心,  广东  深圳  518057;2. 深圳深态环境科技有限公司,  广东  深圳  518000 )
  • 通讯作者: 梁常德


Taking several Shenzhen High-speed road, Expressway road and Main road traffic noise as the research object, use three different speed selection methods including the predictive speed, actual speed and design speed to comparison research with measured result and prediction result by the road traffic noise prediction model recommended “technical guidelines for environmental impact assessment of environmental noise”( HJ2.4-2009 ),in order to validate noise prediction model accuracy under different speed value methods. The research results can provide reference for the application of HJ2.4-2009 guideline noise prediction model.


以深圳市高速公路、城市快速路、城市主干道等三类较高等级城市道路交通噪声为研究对象,对《环境影响评价技术导则  声环境》(HJ 2.4-2009)中推荐的道路交通噪声预测模式分别采用预测车速、实际车速、设计车速等三种不同车速取值方法,进行模式预测与实测结果的对比研究,验证分析不同车速取值方法下模式预测结果的准确性。研究结果可为HJ 2.4-2009导则中道路交通噪声预测模式的应用提供参考。

关键词: 声学, 交通噪声, 预测模式, 车速, 声导则

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