›› 2013, Vol. 33 ›› Issue (3): 90-92.DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1006-1335.2013.03.020

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Two Solutions to Eliminate Standing Waves of Exhaust Systems


  • Received:2012-08-27 Revised:2012-10-25 Online:2013-06-18 Published:2013-06-18


邱群麟 ,  闵益峰 , 刘军 , 李 博,朱廉洁 ,刘湃   

  1. ( 泛亚汽车技术中心有限公司,  上海  201201 )
  • 通讯作者: 邱群麟

Abstract: In this paper, principium of exhaust system standing wave was analyzed from theory and simulation calculate . The exhaust system tailpipe noise acoustic model was built with GT-power. Seen from acoustic characters of the exhaust system tailpipe noise, a long tailpipe stand wave is the root cause for peak of the common frequency. Therefore, two proposals was adopted. One proposal is to change the tailpipe length, keep away from the frequency, decrease the stand wave effect; another proposal is to design a resonator for solve this common frequency, eliminate this frequency noise; The simulation of the two proposals proved to improve the acoustic performance and achieve the target.

摘要: 研究目的是从理论和模拟计算两方面研究驻波的形成机理和解决措施,其过程是应用GT-power软件建立某项目排气尾管噪声声学模型,分析其排气系统尾管噪音各阶次噪声声学特征,确定某一共同频率的波峰是由长尾管的驻波引起的,提出两种解决方案。方案一是改变排气尾管长度,避开激励频率,弱化驻波波峰的效果,降低波峰处的噪音;方案二是设计针对此共同频率的谐振腔,消除此频率的噪音,从根本上解决驻波产生的噪音;最后通过模型再次模拟分析验证,结果表明两种方案都有明显的效果,达到预期目的。

关键词: 声学, 驻波, GT-power, 排气系统, 尾管噪声

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