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Analysis of Sound Transmission Loss of Composite Structures Containing Foam Aluminum
HAN Bao-kun;ZHENG Feng-min;BAO Huai-qian;LI Jun
   2011, 31 (6): 116-118.   DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1006-1355-2011.06.025
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As a new functional material, foam aluminum is of characteristics of sound absorption and vibration attenuation. A type of composite structure consisting of a foam aluminum layer and base plates is put forward. The sound insulation performance is investigated. The method for computation of sound transmission loss for normal wave incidence is developed. The influences of different thickness of the foam aluminum layer on the transmission loss of the structure are analyzed by numerical method. The results are in good agreement with those of experimental testing. It is found that the thickness of foam aluminum has a great impact on the sound transmission loss of the composite structure.
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