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Research on Protective Performance of Low-density Metal Foam Cushion on Ship Personnel Subjected to Shock Loads
ZHAO Yong-jie;ZHANG Qing-qing
   2011, 31 (5): 153-156.   DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1006-1355-2011.05.036
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In this study, the potential attenuation performance of an metal foam cushion inserted between standing-man and ship deck is investigated theoretically. An 5-DOF lumped-parameter model is used to predict the standing-man’s biodynamic responses. The cushion is modeled by rigid-perfectly plastic-locking(RPPL)model. The influence of critical buckling force level and some other design factors on the attenuation performance of the foam cushion is discussed in detail. Some general design rules are also presented.
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