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Analysis of Sound Environment in Coastwise Area of Haihe River and Preliminary Study on its Soundscape Design and Expression
   2011, 31 (3): 115-119.   DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1006-1355-2011.027
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Haihe river, as the mother river of Tianjin, not only plays a vital role in social culture and psychology, but also provides a good place for people’s leisure and entertainment. With the advance of landscape transformation in Haihe coastwise area, creating a comfortable acoustic environment becomes an important part of the overall transformation. In this study, the sound situation of Haihe coastwise area including sound type, relationship among different sounds, sound expectation and so on, is analyzed through physical measurement and social surveys. On this base, the method of improving the acoustical environment of Haihe coastwise area and its overall soundscape design are hopefully explored. Meanwhile, a suitable expression method of soundscape design in open area like Haihe coastwise area is studied in order to build a communication platform for acoustics researchers, urban planners and the general publics.
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