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Research of Optimal Control Used in Double-layer Vibration Isolation System
ZENG Qiang-hong;ZHU Shi-jian;YAN Zhen-tao
   2011, 31 (4): 11-15.   DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1006-1355-2011.04.003
Abstract1430)            Save
Considering force transmissibility and the magnitude of actuator output, an optimal control is applied to a double-layer vibration isolation system. The relationship between the weighting matrix and the feedback matrix is acquired. The transfer function of output performance versus input disturbance is obtained. By analyzing the amplitude and frequency characteristics of the transfer function, the affect of the weighting matrices Q and R on the system characteristics is found. Thus, the weighting function can be reasonably selected. The optimal design of the controller can be realized with the consideration of various performance objectives.
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