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Subjective Vibration Evaluation and Modal Testing for the Overhead Guard of a Forklift Truck
XU Chang;Yan Tian-hong;ZHANG Zhen
   2012, 32 (1): 77-80.   DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1006-1355-2012.01.018
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In this paper, the vibration of the overhead guard of a forklift is diagnosed. Firstly, the vibration signals are collected when the forklift is operating, and the signals corresponding to the worst subjective evaluation of comfort are extracted and analyzed. Then, the modal test of the overhead guard of the forklift is conducted, and the results are compared with the vibration signals corresponding to the worst comfort. It is found that the main reason of the forklift vibration which leads to the worst comfort is the resonance of the overhead guard excited by the engine. Since the modals of the overhead guard structure in the vicinity of the resonance frequency are very close one another, successive resonance will occur in the acceleration period, which is a serious impact on the comfort of the forklift. Finally, a scheme for reducing the vibration is proposed. A correlation between objective measurements and subjective evaluation is found by means of the proposed approach. This work supplies references for the vibration isolation design.
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