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《Application of Melamine Foam for Acoustic Absorption of Military Ship’s Engine Room》
YUAN Gai-hong;WANG Xian-cheng;ZHANG Jing
   2009, 29 (5): 116-120.  
Abstract2078)      PDF(pc) (1785KB)(2016)       Save

Engine room’s noise is the main noise source. The noise signal of the engine room of a military ship is measured and its spectrum is analyzed. The main radiation frequency of the noise is found. The contribution of reverberation sound to engine room noise is studied. The scheme for reverberation sound control is worked out, in which a new damping soundabsorption material, the melamine foam, is utilized. Based on the statistical energy analysis (SEA), the geometrical model, the physical model and the mathematical model of the engine room are established. The software for simulating sound absorption of the engine room is made. According to the scheme of design, the melamineformaldehyde?foam coating is equipped in the engine room and then the noise testing is carried out. Result shows that the noise of the engine room is reduced 5.6dB(A).

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