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Stochastic Optimal Control of Spherically Symmetric Piezoelectric Shells
   2012, 32 (1): 43-46.   DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1006-1355-2012.01.010
Abstract1433)            Save
The stochastic optimal control of a spherically symmetric piezoelectric shell under random boundary excitations is studied. The dynamic equilibrium equation, the kinetic equation, the charge conservative equation and the electrical and mechanical coupling constitutive equations of the piezoelectric shell are given. These equations and the performance parameters construct a stochastic optimal control problem. The electric potential integral is presented to convert the governing equations into a mechanical vibration equation. Using the displacement transformation and the Galerkin method, the partial differential vibration equation is converted into ordinary differential equations for optimal control. Based on the stochastic dynamical programming principle, the HJB equation is derived and then the optimal control electric potential for the piezoelectric shell is determined. The frequency-response function, response power spectrum density and correlation function matrices of the controlled shell system are presented for estimating the random response. Finally, numerical results are given to demonstrate the effectiveness of the stochastic optimal control of the piezoelectric shell.
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Exact Synthesis of Structural Random Responses Using Substructure Modes
   2010, 30 (6): 75-78.  
Abstract1250)            Save
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《Vibration Analysis of a Tennis Racket with TMD》
ZHUANG Biao-zhong;YING Zu-guang;DIAO Yi-ping
   2010, 30 (2): 26-29.   DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1006-1355.2010.02.026
Abstract2219)      PDF(pc) (572KB)(1569)       Save
The TunedMassDamper (TMD) technique, presented in Literature [1], is based on the vibration absorption principle. In recent three decades, it has been applied to many fields such as structure and bridge engineering for mitigating vibration excited by wind and earthquake[2]. Recently, The TMD has been applied to tennis rackets for vibration control. In the present paper, the free vibration of a tennis racket is tested and then the first natural frequency is obtained by the powerspectraldensity analysis. The results are verified by the analysis of transfer function and correlation function. On the other hand, the equation of motion of a massstring as a simplified model of tennis racket with TMD is given, and its natural frequency is obtained.
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《Generic Criterion for Random MicroVibration of HighTech Precision Facilities》
ZHANG Wei;YING Zu-guang
   2010, 30 (1): 112-113.   DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1006-1355.2010.01.112
Abstract2016)      PDF(pc) (529KB)(1497)       Save
The generic criterion for random microvibrations has a significant application in hightech field, such as vibrationsensitive precision facilities. First of all,the meansquareroot velocity of random micro vibration is introduced as a criterion. Different from the usual displacement and acceleration of vibration, this criterion describes both the statistical characteristics and centrefrequency effects of random disturbances. Then five microvibration levels are defined for disturbing environment according to various vibration sensitivities and requirements. And the corresponding uplimits and frequency spectrums of the meansquareroot velocities are given. Finally, application of the criterion, the meansquareroot velocity, is illustrated through an example of disturbing environment.
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