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Experimental Study on Hybrid Noise Control
ZHANG Xiao-yu;YI Chui-jie
   2011, 31 (3): 145-148.   DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1006-1355-2011.03.034
Abstract1785)            Save
The traditional passive noise control with the use of sound absorption or/and insulation is effective only for the noise control in the mid and high frequency range, while the active noise control based on sound cancellation by electro-acoustical means is effective in low frequency range (<500Hz). In this paper, a hybrid noise control method is presented taking advantages of both the passive and active control approaches. In this method, the active noise control based on multi-channel FXLMS algorithm is used to reduce the low frequency noise level, meanwhile, the mid to high frequency noise level is reduced by the passive noise control. Experimental results show that the frequency bandwidth of the noise which can be controlled is extended when the hybrid control is used, and this method is effective for the broadband noise control.
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《A Neural Network Method for Online Secondary Path Modeling》
ZHANG Xiao-yu;YI Chui-jie
   2009, 29 (1): 69-72.   DOI: A
Abstract1704)            Save
The important effect of the secondary path on the performance of the system exists in the active noise control, and the precision of the secondary path model directly influences the convergence and effectiveness of the control system. In many practical systems, the system characteristics are time varying, so online modeling of the secondary path is important in such cases. The use of neural networks offers many useful properties such as adaptivity and fault tolerance. And an active noise control system that uses a neural network to identify the secondary path model online is presented in this paper. Its validity is proved by the simulation results.
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