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《Low Speed Dynamic Balance for Microwave Radiometer Imager》
LIU Jun;LIAO Ming-fu;WANG-Siji;WENG Yi-hang
   2009, 29 (5): 90-92.  
Abstract2419)      PDF(pc) (989KB)(1435)       Save

Microwave radiometer imager is used for detecting cloud images in satellite for weather forecasting. Its mechanical scanning?component part is a bias parabolic reflector antenna with a large diameter, rotating at a low speed. Vibration amplitude is an important parameter of the microwave radiometer imager, overvibration will directly affect the satellite attitude control. It is proven that the vibration is mainly caused by dynamic unbalance. An insitu experiment for low speed dynamic balance of microwave radiometer imager is done. The results show that low speed dynamic balancing insitu is an effective method to reduce vibration of the microwave radiometer imager.

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