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Application of Wavelet Singular Entropy in Periodic Fault Detection of Sensors on Gas Turbines
CHEN Jiao;WANG Yong-hong;WENG Shi-lie
   2011, 31 (6): 156-160.   DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1006-1355-2011.05.035
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Sensors are usually used to get the parameters for performance estimate of gas turbines in power plants. The measured values are immediately affected by sensors states. It is hard to detect periodic fault, which is one of common faults of sensors, since the periodic signal has small magnitude and can be easily covered by noise. In this paper, wavelet singular entropy (WSE) is used for periodic fault detection of sensors. Definition and calculation methods of the WSE are introduced. Through the simulation, the advantage of WSE in periodic fault detection is found in comparison with the traditional wavelet transform. It is proved that the WSE is independent of fault amplitude. The method is verified by experimental data from combustor’s outlet temperature sensors.
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