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Primary Quantification of Soundscape Elements in Urban Parks
MA Hui;WANG Dan-dan
   2012, 32 (1): 81-85.   DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1006-1355-2012.01.019
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In the present work, the soundscape elements in three kinds of urban parks (coastal park, street park and general park) are studied. Wave sound, road traffic noise and water-flowing sound were considered as background sounds of these three kinds of parks respectively. Primary quantification of seven sounds including the wind sound, traffic noise, and birdsong and so on was analyzed in the scenes of the three kinds of parks with and without background sounds. According to the experiment results of subjective evaluation on soundscape elements and their sound levels, it is shown that people prefer natural sounds such as birdsong and sound of flowing water rather than artificial sounds such as the sound of broadcasting and traffic noise. Birdsong is considered as the most delightful and harmonious sound in all parks. Finally, the suitable sound level of each soundscape element was explored and the relationship between sound level and subjective evaluation was determined primarily.
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