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Research of AANC Secondary Path Modeling Method
YANG Hao;WU Ya-feng;WANG Chun-yun;CHU Ni-Sheng
   2011, 31 (3): 33-36.   DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1006-1355-2011.03.008
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Secondary path modeling is a key issue of adaptive active noise control (AANC) system. An impulse response measurement based on time stretch pulse (TSP) signal is used in this paper. TSP signal has the characteristics of distributing the pulse energy in a period of time. The impulse response function of the tested system with TSP signal can be reconstructed by gathering the scattered energy in the response signal. The method is applied to secondary path modeling, and 20dB and 14dB noise reduction is respectively obtained in simulations and experiments. The results show that the secondary path modeling method based on TSP is simple, accurate and very suitable for practical ANC engineering test.
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