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《Viscoelastic Damping Design for a Satellite Flywheel Bracket》
XU Chao;TIAN Wei
   2010, 30 (3): 1-4.   DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1006-1355.2010.03.001
Abstract2343)      PDF(pc) (253KB)(2151)       Save
Constrained layer damping technique is applied as an effective passive vibration control method for aerospace structures. The approach of adding viscoelastic damping to a satellite flywheel bracket is investigated in this paper. Firstly, the finite element model of the bracket is built and the vibrationmode analysis is executed to obtain basic dynamic characteristics. Distribution of modal strain energy is analyzed to determine the locations where the constrained dampers are attached. Then, the thicknesses of the constrained layer and damping layer are taken as design parameters to examine the modal loss factors for different design schemes. The optimal values of the parameters are determined under the limitations of additional weight of the dampers and the cost for damping material processing. Finally, the acceleration frequency responses of the flywheel bracket with damping and without damping, respectively, are compared mutually. The results show that applying viscoelastic constrained layer damping for flywheel bracket is reasonable and effective.
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