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Study on Propagation of Guided Waves in Thick Beam and the Selection of Excitation Frequency
SUN Xue-wei;LI Fu-cai;SUN Kai;MENG Guang;CHEN Xue-dong
   2011, 31 (6): 10-14.   DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1006-1355-2011.06.003
Abstract1686)            Save
Mechanism of guided wave propagation in the thick beam is investigated in this study. Professional software for calculating and drawing the dispersion curves of Lamb waves in isotropic structures is developed by using the Rayleigh-Lamb equation. A number of influencing factors, such as selecting the guided wave modes, reducing dispersion effects, increasing amplitude of the wave signal, improving resolution in time domain, and suppressing the effects of local symmetry, are considered for the selection of excitation frequency. The parameters of the excitation wave are therefore optimized, and a standard process of selecting center excitation frequency in guided-wave based structural health monitoring technique is proposed.
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