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《Design of Piezoelectric Transducer for Middle Ear Implant Based on Coupling Model》
LIU Hou-guang;MING Xiao-feng;TA Na;RAO Zhu-shi
   2010, 30 (2): 130-133.   DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1006-1355.2010.02.130
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To design a simplefloating mass type piezoelectric transducer, consisting of a piezoelectric stack, a metal case and a clamp, for middle ear implant, a biomechanics model coupled by human middle ear and piezoelectric transducer is constructed. This model is built based on a complete set of computerized tomography section images of a healthy volunteers left ear by reverse forming technology. The validity of this model is confirmed by comparing the result of motion of the stapes of this model with the published experimental data on human temporal bones. It is shown that the designed transducer can be implanted on the incus long process by a simple surgical operation, and the stapes footplate displacement by its excitation at 10.5 Vrms is equivalent to that from acoustic stimulation at 100 dB SPL, which is adequate stimulation to the ossicular chain.
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