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Acoustic Enclosure with Intelligent Controllable Noise Insulation
   2011, 31 (4): 178-181.   DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1006-1355-2011.04.042
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Based on acoustics theory, the acoustic pressure field varying with the gas pressure change in an acoustic enclosure with sound-absorption treatment is formulated. Combining the acoustic enclosure technique with PLC technique, an intelligent acoustic enclosure is designed for the machines which are always working under dynamic loads. The noise insulation of the enclosure can be adjusted according to the variation of noise radiation energy by changing the vacuum of the acoustic enclosure. The noise insulation is controlled by a system which consists of transducer, PLC, servo motor, etc. This acoustic enclosure has many advantages over the traditional one. It can isolate the noise with different frequency bands and is easy to realize automation and intellectuality. The validity of the method and design is confirmed by a more-than-one-year application in a gas compressor workshop.
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