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《Analysis of Transmission Paths of Ship Stern VibrationBased on Power Flow Theory》
FENG Guo-ping;HUANG Xiu-chang;LIU Xing-tian;ZHANG Zhi-yi;HUA Hong-xing
   2010, 30 (2): 5-8.   DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1006-1355.2010.02.005
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Vibration of ship sterns is a key point in ship vibration control. Study of the characteristic of vibration transmission paths of ship stern will be helpful for vibration reduction of the ship stern. Based on the modal shape analysis methods and power flow theory, the transmission path of the stern system vibration is deducted and analyzed numerically. The results show that the stern bearing is the main path for lower frequency vibration, while the thrust bearing base is the main path for medium frequency vibration.
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