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Abnormal Noise Source Identification and Control of Motorcycle under Idle Condition
CHU Zhi-gang;YANG Yang;JIANG Zhong-han
   2011, 31 (4): 89-92.   DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1006-1355-2011.04.021
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Utilizing sound intensity method, source separation method and selective sound intensity method comprehensively, the abnormal noise source of motorcycle under idle condition was identified. The production mechanism and transmission of the abnormal noise was analyzed. The results show that the frequency ranges from 891Hz to 2239Hz and the radiation noise of exhaust muffler heat shield is the dominate source and the impact to the muffler internal partitions by exhaust airflow is the root reason. The abnormal noise can be eliminated effectively by strengthening the connection stiffness of the muffler internal partitions.
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