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Experimental Study on Sound Barrier Equivalent Frequency of Passenger Trains
GONG Kai;LIU Lin-ya
   2011, 31 (5): 117-120.   DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1006-1355-2011.05.027
Abstract1601)            Save
Setting sound barriers is becoming one of the important measures all over the world for control of railway noises. While the sound barrier’s design is affected by many factors. Equivalent frequency of the sound barrier is one of the key factors, which has direct influence upon the calculation of the sound barrier attenuation. To make the sound barrier’s design reasonable, fast and reliable, the noise frequencies of passenger trains under the condition of different kinds of locomotive tractions at various speeds are studied experimentally. Through the statistical analysis of the measurement data, the sound barrier’s equivalent frequencies of the passenger trains under different conditions are obtained.
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Testing Study on the Sound Barrier Equivalent Frequency of Freight Trains
GONG Kai;LIU Lin-ya
   2011, 31 (4): 124-127.   DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1006-1355-2011.04.029
Abstract1509)            Save
The sound barrier design has become a major theme concerned by international academic circles. Setting sound barriers on both sides of railroad track is an effective and economic method for railway’s noise control. The diffraction attenuation calculation is the kernel content of the sound barrier design, and the equivalent frequency of the sound barrier is one of the important parameters for the diffraction attenuation calculation. In order to raise the efficiency of sound barrier design, the noise frequency characteristics of freight trains in different locomotive traction and at different operating speed are studied by testing. Meanwhile, the sound barrier equivalent frequencies of freight trains under different working conditions are obtained by statistical analysis of the measured field data.
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Development and Application of the Software for Acoustic Environment Prediction in the Vicinity of Rail Transit Lines
GONG Kai;LIU Lin-ya
   2011, 31 (3): 80-84.   DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1006-1355-2011.03.019
Abstract1576)            Save
Acoustic environment prediction in the vicinity of rail transit lines has become an international hot topic in railroad engineering. Most of rail transit lines are constructed near or through the urban areas, therefore, the rail transit noise often makes serious impact on the residents in the vicinities of the lines. To effectively control the rail transit noise, Visual BASIC language is adopted to develop the software for rail transit acoustic environment prediction. The results of noise prediction by the software are compared with the measured data of the acoustic environment in the vicinity of a rail transit line, and the reliability of the software is verified. This work is an attempt for routinization, visualization and facilitation of noise prediction by using software.
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《Overview of Domestic and International Railway Noise Standards》
GONG Kai;LIU Lin-ya
   2010, 30 (2): 156-159.   DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1006-1355.2010.02.156
Abstract2238)      PDF(pc) (1279KB)(2009)       Save
Traffic noise has become one of the major pollution sources in urban area. At present, countries all over the world are constantly updating their own standards of traffic noise in order to meet their own domestic requirements. In this paper, the railway noise standards of some major countries in the world are analyzed. It may provide some references and inspirations for working out our own railway noise standard.
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