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Influence of Structural Parameters of Bearingless Rotors on Its Aeroelastic Stability in Hover
GAO Wen-jie
   2012, 32 (2): 18-22.   DOI: 103969/j.issn.1006-1355-2012.02.004
Abstract1439)            Save
A new model of bearingless rotors for aeroelastic stability analysis was presented based on finite-state unsteady aerodynamics. Nonlinear strain-displacement relations were built using Green-Lagrange strain tensor. The blades were modeled as a multiple-load-path system and the finite element equations of dynamics for bearingless rotors were obtained from Hamilton’s principle. Finite-state induced flow model was used to evaluate unsteady aerodynamics effect. The nature of complex eigenvalues of flutter equations of blades was employed to judge the aeroelastic stability of the rotors. Effect of structural parameters on the aeroelastic stability of the bearingless rotors in hover was investigated. It is shown that the numerical results of the stability analysis using this model can more precisely agree with those of experiments using dynamic inflow model or uniform inflow model. Hub pre-conical angle, blade’s chordwise stiffness and flapwise stiffness have substantial influence on aeroelastic stability of bearingless rotors.
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