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Computer Simulation of Wind Induced RandomVibration on Stay Cables
FANG Zhi-hua;LI Chen
   2011, 31 (5): 130-132.   DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1006-1355-2011.05.030
Abstract1565)            Save
Stay cable is one of the main components in cable-stayed bridge. Since this component has large compliance, light weight, small damp and low natural vibration frequency, the wind-induced vibration may occur very often. Thus, it is necessary to study the vibration response of the stay cable to the wind load excitation. In this paper, random wind load is introduced to the finite element model of the cable. Wind induced vibration of cables is simulated with the computer. The method is proved economic and effective. It has significance for design of the cable-stayed bridge, and provides a base for further study of wind-induced response control.
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