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Vortex and Noise Characteristics Analysis of the Flow-field Between the Two Impellers of a Contra-rotating Axial Fan
CHEN Qing-guang;FANG Fei;ZHANG Yong-chao;J IA Xiang-xing
   2012, 32 (1): 89-92.   DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1006-1355-2012.01.021
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The LES technique was used to simulate the 3-D unsteady full flow-field of a contra-rotating axial fan. Several monitoring faces were arranged in the flow-field between the two impellers. The monitoring points were arranged in each monitoring face. The FW-H technique was used to simulate the aerodynamic noise of the flow-field between the two impellers. The contours of vorticity magnitude of the monitoring faces and the sound pressure levels of the monitoring points were processed. The vortex and the aerodynamic noise characteristics in the monitoring faces were analyzed. This study may be useful for the analysis of fan’s aerodynamic noise.
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