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Analysis of Dynamic Characteristics of Aluminum Alloy Metro Car-body Using Dynamic Substructure Method
CHEN Dong-dong;ZUO Yan-yan
   2012, 32 (2): 71-74.   DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1006-1355-2012.02.0.17
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Because of the large and complex structure of the metro car-body, its local modification will lead to a large number of rework in finite element modeling and analysis. Taking into account the modular manufacturing characteristics of the aluminum-alloy metro car-body, modal analysis of this model was performed based on the dynamic substructure method. Results of computation were compared with those from the conventional finite element method. It is shown that the finite element model can be quickly established and the accuracy of the solution can also be guaranteed with the use of dynamic substructure method.
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