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Research on Shear Elastic Property of Viscous Liquid by Signal Processing Method
CAO Han-jie;NOIREZ Laurence;MENG Guang
   2012, 32 (2): 112-114.   DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1006-1355-2012.02.027
Abstract1264)            Save
By changing the connection condition in the interface between the substrates and viscous liquid in the experiments, the shear elastic property of the liquid with several-ten-micron thickness can be observed under the condition of low shear-strain rate. To confirm the property, the strain-stress signals in the experiments were collected and processed by the discrete Fourier transformation (DFT). From the viewpoint of phase difference of strain and stress in rheology theory, it was proved that liquid has shear elastic properties under some small-scale dimension conditions.
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