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Ultrasonic Detection of Lamb Wave Stimulation and Modal Analysis of Thin Steel Plate Structure
AI Chun-an;WANG Xue-yong;LIU Yu
   2012, 32 (1): 137-140.   DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1006-1355-2012.01.032
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This paper studies a common method and its procedure of ultrasonic detection of Lamb wave stimulation in thin steel plate structure. The signal was stimulated by ultrasonic oblique incident Lamb wave and the modes of the signal were analyzed. According to the experiment, it is found that with a proper combination of frequency and incident angle, selection and control of the modes of the Lamb wave can be realized. Thus, the best stimulating strategy of the detection can be obtained. This study is of important significance for the Lamb wave testing in engineering application.
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